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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Illahe Rare Bulbs Specialty List 2016-Shipping has ended-This list for reference purposes only.

SPECIALTY BULB LIST 2016 Shipping has ended, this list is here for reference only. 

This year is celebrating 5 years of continuing to offer the offspring of Jane’s wonderful bulb collection to growers around the world. I owe a huge thanks to Jane for stock, advice on growing, the wonderful experience of working in her garden, moving rocks and pulling weeds, and imparting so much of her knowledge about specialty bulbs.
 This year isn’t much different than the last, it was another super hot summer, so the real Zeric species are once again the true champs. On the flip side I’m offering some unique carnivores that want to grow in standing or running water. Hopefully there is something for everyone. Thank you to the loyal customers who have allowed me to continue to propagate plants and continue a passion for the rare and unique treasures of natures.

The Nursery: Illahe Nursery and Gardens is located in the South Salem hills of the Central Willamette Valley of Oregon at 600 feet in elevation. The Climate here has been described as Mediterranean, although it really is cooler and wetter. Rainfall occurs here primarily between the months of October and May and ranges between 40-80 inches. Temperatures in the winter rarely fall below 20 deg. F. in the winter, however the last few winters have seen temperatures as low as 9 deg. F inside an unheated greenhouse. Summers are generally dry. The Jory loam soil here is deep and extremely fertile. Agriculture in the immediate vicinity is mostly Christmas tree production, vineyards , nursery and grass seed production.

To see pictures of the bulbs, please visit the Illahe blog at www.illaherarebulbs.blogspot.com,  or try The Random House Book of Bulbs by Martyn Rix and Roger Phillips,  or the highly recommended Pacific Bulb Society website.

Size of  bulbs: Bulbs have been selected for large size in hopes of providing flowering in the shortest period possible, some bulbs are available in smaller sizes and those are listed below. Often newly potted bulbs need a year to settle in before flowering. All bulbs are priced per single bulb, unless otherwise noted.

Hardiness: It is impossible precisely to predict the winter survival of bulbous plants in a given area. My garden is a notorious frost pocket although some of the bulbs are grown in an unheated, open ended greenhouse, many are grown out in the open in raised frames.  Refer to standard authors such as Martyn Rix and Brian Mathew for guidance, remembering that they refer to gardens in Britain, USDA Zones 8-9. It is wise to cultivate new (and expensive) bulbs under cover until you have enough to risk in the open garden, where not only weather but also predators threaten them. (For details, see Jane’s chapter on "Bulb and Alpine Frames" in Rock Garden Design and Construction, Timber Press, 2003.) Unless otherwise noted all these plants can survive at least a few degrees of frost, provided they have good drainage and the foliage is not wet. In areas with snow cover and/or dry winters, they can survive more cold.

Domestic customers:
Ordering: Please send a list by e-mail. All orders are filled in the order received, so get your order to me as quickly as possible for the best selection. Send orders to illaherarebulbs@gmail.com
Shipping: I will bill you for Priority Mail postage.
Payment: DO NOT SEND PAYMENT WITH YOUR ORDER. All bulbs are available in limited quantities and you may not receive everything you want. You will be billed with your shipment, with a Paypal invoice,  so you will receive an invoice in the email and I will ship when you have paid, if the money is not deposited within three days of invoicing your bulbs will be returned to the inventory rack.
International Customers:
Ordering: Send your order via email.  All orders are filled in the order received, so get your order to me as quickly as possible for the best selection. Send orders to illaherarebulbs@gmail.com.
Shipping: I will bill you for first class postage, rate will be based on your order size. If you desire a faster postage rate please let me know this, and I will let you know the rate when your order is ready to be shipped.  I will bill you for Phytosanitary certification, that cost is $45 per order. Due to inspection/phytosanitary scheduling I can only offer a few weeks of international shipping so please place your order no later than September 4th 2016. Get together with a garden group and do one big order if you are international and that way we can all save money and time! Seriously, it would help me, you, the plant inspector and the post man if we all consolidated a bit.
Payment: International customers will be required to pay by Pay-Pal. Your order will be filled and inspected, you will be sent an email invoice with the Pay-Pal deposit information. When the money is deposited your order will be shipped. If you must cancel an order, please do so promptly, if the money is not deposited within 3 business days, you will be sent a notification email and your bulbs will be returned to the inventory rack. Your bulb order leaves here with Phytosanitary certificate stating that it is free from pest and disease and therefore not subject to quarantine, however I do not have any control over the receiving countries agricultural inspections, so I cannot offer any guarantee and the loss should your government hold your bulbs is on you. Please notify me immediately of any issues and I will do what I can.
Remember all bulbs are available in limited quantities so whether you are domestic or international please realize I sell out of some stuff very quickly so get your order in as soon as possible. Email is preferred for questions related to bulb purchases.
Please feel free to forward this list to anyone who might be interested.
Thank you,
Mark Akimoff
Illahe Nursery and Gardens
7645 Sunnyside Rd SE
Salem, Or 97306
Allium textile Central United States; clusters of starry white flowers. $2
Allium sp.  A good selection for troughs, this former Leach Botanical garden selection does well in very zeric conditions, it has yellow flowers and reminds me of Allium ‘Molly’ but with much finer leaves, It’s probably one of the parents or at least a relative if anyone knows that lineage. $3

Arum dioscoridis Turkey; wonderful but bad-smelling inflorescence, greenish cream heavily spotted with black. Medium, $3

Biarum davisii Crete; Awesome pinkish-white spathes in the fall. $3
Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum Blackish spathes, flowers late summer. $4 sold out
Biarum tenuifolium ssp. abbreviatum

Biarum sp. PB435 From the Pacific Bulb Society seed exchange-Figure out what it is and let me know! $3
Biarum tenuifolium ssp. zelborii Crete, Very rare. $6 sold out

Brodiaea californica NNS-05-113, From Ron Ratko’s seed collection. Large lavender fls, early summer, on stems to 30 in. $3
Brimeura amethystina Blue fls., late spring          $3
Brimeura fastigiata Tiny plants with bright lavender fls; hardy to at least 9 deg. F., for containers under protection from excess rain $2 sold out
Calochortus argillosus  the Clay Mariposa Lily from California; stunning, white, pink, yellow and mauve marked floral wine cups! $4 Sold out

Colchicum/Autumn Crocus
Colchicum bivonae Sardinia-Turkey, large, tessellated pink flowers, dramatic. $5 sold out
Colchicum bayoptopium Turkey, small species, great in pots. $5 sold out
Colchicum 'Disraeli' Giant pink flowers with white tessalations, probably one of my all time favorite fall bloomers, certainly eye catching. $6Sold out
Colchicum-Growers/Gardeners Mix-This offering is for a mix of 3 corms propagated from my garden beds, they can be any of a mix of C. autumnale, hybrids I grow (look at past catalog offerings), and possibly one of the rarer species, for those seeking a value and wanting autumn blooms. 3/$3.Sold out

Crocus banaticus. Balkans; once considered its own genus, this Iris like and very unique treasure has some of the most interesting flowers in it’s group. $4
Crocus cartwrightianus Greece/Crete, probably one of the wild precursors of the fabled saffron crocus, it is a fantastic homegrown substitute for those that like Paella. $4
 Crocus kotschyanus fall; a good performer year to year, if you want a tidy, autumn bloomer for the rock garden this is a good one. Pink fls. $3 sold out
Crocus thomasii A fantastic fall blooming sativus type, strong saffron fragrance and a great increaser. Adriatic coastal species. $6 Sold out

Fritillaria acmopetala ‘Dark Form’ Eastern Medd; $6
Fritillaria acmopetala 'Dark Form'
Fritillaria agrestis The legendary California, Stink Bells. Get ready to vacate the greenhouse when these go into bloom.  Huge bulbs. $8Sold Out
Fritillaria amana Turkey; a fast increaser, and a good performer in the open garden. $4

Fritillaria caucasica JJA 85122 From the Archibalds wild seed collections. Dark bells. $6

Fritillaria caucasica
Fritillaria davisii Short stems, dark pendent bells, increases well. Large/$4, small/$2.
Fritillaria elwesii Beautiful bells with a dusty bloom on the petals. $3
Fritillaria messanensis ssp. gracilis Balkans, woodlands and meadows and a great grower in the pacific NW. $4 Sold out

Fritillaria ionica Green on purple the flowers are showy though they are essentially a camoflouge pattern. $3Sold out
Fritillaria JJA 17255
Fritillaria JJA17255 Archibald collection, from the seminal seed catalog: JJA 17255 : Fritillaria sp. Iran, Kordestan, SW of Daraki ( S of Marivan ) 2500m. SW facing limestone slope. " It goes on to say " ... this is a big robust plant about 25cm high, with up to four flowers. The first thought was that it had to be something to do with F. straussii, but the leaves are alternate : neither paired nor whorled. This area, high in the mountains right on the Iraqi border.Absolutely stunning potted specimen. $8 Sold out
Fritillaria kotschyana JJA Northern Iran, Seed grown from the Archibalds. $5
Fritillaria orientalis Caucasus, checkered pendant bells, easy grower. $4
Fritillaria obliqua Greece, rare; The one that started it all for me, and always has me singing “you may wonder why I always dress in black” blackish bell flowers. $6Sold out
Fritillaria persica Peach colored mini bells on large trusses. $6 Sold out
Fritillaria pontica Tall, pale green broad pendant bells, easy lg. $4 
Fritillaria pudica 'Richard Britten'

Fritillaria pudica ‘Richard Britten’ Larger flowered form. Lg. bulbs $9, medium $5
Fritillaria pudica Oregon; Yellow bells. $3 sold out
Fritillaria purdyi x biflora Robust strain that arose with Jane; these are F2seedlings, typically will have purdyi-type black-and-white checked flowers on robust biflora-type foliage and stems. $5Sold Out
Frtillaria stribyrnyi Balkans; Very rare and exceedingly beautiful $8Sold out

Fritillaria stribyrnyi
Fritillaria rhodocanakis Greece; this selection was originally from Hoog and labeled: Fritillaria rhodocanakis ssp. argolica. Which is a very rare subspecies of an already rare plant, however that ssp. has been disputed and it may be natural variation or hybridization between F. graeca or F. spetsiotica, either way its rare and Beautiful brown and yellow bells will look good in the collection. $6

Geranium macrostylum ‘Talish Tuberous species collected by Janis Ruksans in the Talish Mountains of Northwest Iran. $4
Gladiolus illyricus Medditeranean. Small bulbs. Pink. $1
Gladiolus tristis South Africa, the amazing Marsh Afrikaner Huge white fls, with some of the most amazing fragrance ever issued from a plant. $2
Juno Iris               
Iris bucharica Halda collection; white and yellow, vigorous. $6
Iris graeberiana 'Yellow Falls' Good Iris for the open garden or raised bed, electric blue flws with bright yellow falls. $5

Iris sp. Dwarf Bearded, I have featured this one a few times before, it came from the famed Portland Rae Selling Berry Botanical Garden, which means it probably has some pedigree that says it was collected from seed in a far off Mountainous country land. It’s a standout performer in the rock garden and at a max height of 8” you can’t lose. $5

Muscari muscarimi Turkey, strongly scented flowers of pale blue to white. $4

Narciussus bulbocodium petite hoop peticoats in light yellow. Southern France. $3
Narcissus hispanicus ssp. bujei Spain, bright yellow trumpet, fast increaser and tremendous garden subject. $4
Narcissus “Rijnvelds  Early Sensation” World War II era heirloom, big, yellow taxi, I mean early. $1
Narcissus romieuxii Pale yellow widely flared “hoop petticoat” flowers, early. $3 sold out
Narcissus rupicola smaller jonquil species from Spain, good rock garden subject. $4
Narcissus watieri From the Atlas Mts. of Morocco, beautiful white flowers.  $6
Narcissus wilkommii A deep yellow Jonquilla species with a large corona. Lg$3/sm$2

Notholirion thomsonianum Kashmir/Himalaya. Winter grower. Superb Pink Fls. $4Sold out

Scilla verna For some reason I like to think of this Europe’s version of the indomitable Camas. $3
Triteleia peduncularis Tall; big white-and-purple fls on very long pedicels, inflorescence can be a foot across; plant deeply $4
 T. didieri

Tulipa didieri Possibly extinct in the wild, or extremely rare. Crimson flowers with a dark center. $7

Carnivorous Plants: I have to ship these as bareroots in moistened peat or vermiculite, with the pitchers cut back or folded over.  Not sure about the viability of International shipping but I will try if you are willing to pay for it.
Darlingtonia californica Oregon’s own unique pitcher plant, the Cobra Lily. This form is incredibly stoloniferous, and has been an easy grower given a cool aquatic root run,  my guess is it’s on of the coastal bog strains that are far easier in cultivation then the ultramafic strains from the Kalmiopsis and Northern California.  $25.
Sarracenia minor  The Hooded Pitcher from Pine Savannas, North Carolina to Florida. One of the species capable of growing in slightly drier conditions. $14
Sarracenia luecophylla The White Topped Pitcher plant, from bogs and pine Savannas from  Mississippi to Alabama, a stunning bug killer. $14
Sarracenia sp. I think this is S. oreophila, but that is really, really rare……???? From cultivated source material, as are all the offerings except seeds. $25

Seeds: Are $3 per packet.  My wild collections are noted, year and accession.
Camassia quamash  MAA 1602 Growing in grass savanna and under the very dry shade of Garry Oaks.  2’ tall flowering spikes of light bluish gray.
Triteleia hyacinthina MAA1606  Starry white flower heads, in early June. Found growing alongside the quamash under 300 year old Garry Oak’s.
Brodiaea(Dichelostemma) congesta MAA 1604 Fork Toothed Ookow, heads of Pink Flowers on wispy stems. Garry Oak and Douglas Hawhthorne scrub margins in Jory Soils.
Iris douglasiana garden grown from a Coastal collection of this common western US species, drought tolerant summer dry species.
Fritillaria biflora ‘Grayana’ garden grown form of this very vigorous selection, these hybridize freely with Fritillaria purdyi  which I grow in close proximity. so  you are likely to see some hybrid swarms in this seed.

Fritillaria liliaceae garden grown, waxy, gleaming white pendant bells. 

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