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Friday, August 13, 2021

That's all folks!

 This is to officially note the end of the shipping season. I'll go ahead and post a link to the full catalog for references purposes at some point but no more shipping this season. 

Thank you to all the wonderful, loyal customers who make this possible! I'm sorry some folks were disappointed in not being able to get what they were after because I was sold out. I promise I'm trying to get numbers on everything as best I can, some things are very slow to propagate.  Also, the shipping of live plants has a learning curve so I appreciate the feedback and opportunities for improvement while I figure that all out. 

I do want to announce some exciting news, I'm working on developing several websites to sell my specialties. With climate change bearing down upon us now, I realize that storing bulbs without temperature and humidity controls may get harder and harder so I'm looking into expanding into potted plant sales and the possibility of shipping bulbs and zeric/rock garden plants in growth year around. I've also realized there is a huge demand for well adapted, survivor plants to beautify gardens in this ever changing climate so I'm working on a plan to fill that need as well. I'll make some announcements when things get up and running but for now I'll try to post up some of the late summer/fall bulbs here as they come on. Below are a few snapshots from the summer garden.

 I've been enjoying these Amaryllis on the patio this summer, they get put into the well pump house in the fall. Then brought into the house for attempted bloom at christmas time they usually bloom in Febuary and then again in the summer. 

I've also been working on a Zephyranthes collection for a while now and 
it's been great to see all the different selections and species blooming, this 
is Z. labuffarosa.

Gloriosa lily
I've never grown this one before and I have no idea why
it's an amazing vine and just doing exquisitely growing 
up the front porch columns. 

Lilium poilanei
From the Mts. of Vietnam, this was a gem of a 
find at the summer visit to Heronswood. 
The fragrance on this one is incredible, just 
Hoping it's hardy!

Thanks again for a great sales season! Stay tuned for the exciting website announcements!

Temperatures up to 108 the last few days with lows down into the uppers 70's. Crazy hot summer and the worst one ever as far as the weather is concerned in my opinion. Please let it cool down soon. 



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