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"The blunting effects of slavery upon the slaveholder's moral perceptions are known and conceded the world over; and a priveleged ...
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up" Mark Twain Iris unguicularis 'Walter Butt' ...
So I had a failure of my blogging app amd while I really liked the program I was using, it has gone kaput with no apparent tech support. So ...
Fritillaria obliqua Always nice when the flower that started you on a tangent in your life opens up for the season. As promised...F. ...
Hi all, This is a momentous occasion that has only been about 15 years in the making. illahe finally has a website! This will be the end o...
"A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisify ambitions or to or to fulfill good intentions. ...
I know this should be called "Where the wild things are.....Part something". But I forgot what part we on now and like Lot's ...
So Prometheus was a good guy and helped out the humans, I think the biggest thing he did was give us fire, which of course changed the cour...
Please visit: www.illaherareplants.com to see the new catalog! We are phasing out this old blog server so you need to go visit the new ...
Wonderful color! Our's are usually grayer (probably due to bleaching in our brighter sun)--there are advantages to Maritime climates!
ReplyDeleteAcantholimon, I envy you the bright sun that bleaches your flowers. 1/2" of rain in the gauge today and counting.